Goutlook Changelog Version 0.2.4 * Fixed a bug in make script which excluded COM registration :). (thanks to ankur agarwal for pointing it out) Version 0.2.3 * Fixed a critical bug that did not allow the application to initialize in some cases. (Logging was throwing an unhandled application as the log file was not opened properly). * Changed the directory structure to separate install, source and doc projects. * Was able to get debugging working (finally) Version 0.2.1 * creating a new label now also labels all the messages selected with that label. * updated a bug in the query for search folders that did not allow any messages to appear. Version 0.2.0 * labels now exist in a drop down instead of separate buttons * added following registery settings: * RootFolder : denotes the root MAPI folder inside outlook where all operations occur (in particular, "All Mail" folder and search folders are created here) * DoNotSearchFolders : List of folders that are not added to the folders that are searched by Search Folders * AllMail : denotes the name of the folder where mails are archived. * RecreateSearchFolders : Decides if Goulook should recreate search folders on next outlook restart * added a "manage labels" button (currently does not do anything) * search are now not recreated on every restart of outlook * ported from VB to C#/.NET * added two utility functions to log exceptions and any messages * migrated storage of names of label groups and labels from txt file to registry * ported the installer from WiX to Visual Studio Deployment Project * modified the GUI to hide multiple label group functionality from the user (only one label group is now visible to the user)